Acupuncture Orthopedics Essentials I: Fundamentals

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  • Integrating Eastern and Western understandings of injuries, pain and disability
    • From acute injury to chronic pain and disability: bi syndromes and the degenerative cascade
    • Challenges, standards and goals for treating injuries, pain and disability
    • Moving beyond passive symptom relief to active restoration of functional capacity
    • Resources for developing essential knowledge, skills and abilities
  • Pain psychology and neural hypersensitivity: recognizing and treating hidden mind-body pathomechanisms of chronic pain and disability
  • Optimal treatment of orthopedic tissues
    • Bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments: selecting the most appropriate treatment modalities
  • Kinesiology and the jing-jin ("sinew channels" or myofascial tracts): understanding posture and motion disorders
  • The orthopedic interview: taking an effective history
    • Objectives, challenges, priorities, structure and flow
    • Key questions for assessing severity/urgency, and focusing physical exam
    • Essential inquiry for diagnosis and pattern recognition
    • Interview techniques to build patient rapport and a strong therapeutic alliance

Student Ratings and Comments

Respondents: 29 of 37 enrolled

Average rating: 98/100

"Excellent teacher"  --Anonymous

"Thank you. Instructor is outstanding."  --Anonymous

"Anthony is a gem! He is very clear and organized."  --Anonymous

"Good choice for a teacher."  --Anonymous

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