Building Your AOM Practice

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Workshop Topics:

  • Key metrics to track for business development.
  • Insurance billing basics, and whether to join–or quit–managed care networks
  • Practice and risk management essentials
  • Customer service: keys to success!
  • Building a thriving practice through cultivating medical referrals
  • Why and how to avoid social media marketing--you can do it, using no-cost and efficient marketing strategies!
  • The golden parachute: planning and selling your practice for maximum value

Who should take this class:

  • AOM students planning their future practice
  • Recently-licensed acupuncturists
  • Those transitioning to a new practice model or location
  • Those re-entering the profession
  • Anyone who wants support in starting and building a safe, sustainable and satisfying practice!

Participants receive:

  • A “starter kit” of sample spreadsheets, clinic operating procedures, and marketing and educational materials
  • On-going access to class notes and discussion forums
This class builds on the topics covered 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. in Starting Your AOM Practice: securing locations and rental/employment agreement terms that work for you and your patients; business planning essentials (financing, fee-setting, and appointment schedules) and more. Take both classes for -10% off each!

Next live offering: TBA. You may also register for a distance-learning version of this class.

And we invite you to view our full program schedule and register for in-person classes and live webinars.