Orthopedic Case Study and Clinical Mentorship Webinars — General Meeting 9-15-21

Led by Doctoral Clinic Supervisor and Instructor Anthony Von der Muhll, L.Ac., DAOM, DNBAO, FAIPM

Zoom Link to Login to September 15 Meeting

1:00-4:00 p.m. EDT/10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. PDT

  • Please be prepared to present your case verbally, organized in SOAP format (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan), along with your priority questions
  • The instructor will invite or chose at random 6 participants to present their cases and questions
  • The instructor will lead review, discussion, and advice
  • Each meeting is capped at 15 participants to ensure high-quality discussion
  • You may record the discussion on your own device for your own future review
  • No CEUs or PDAs available--for educational purposes only

Case Consultation and Clinical Support — Live On-line Meetings

Expert help and peer discussion regarding challenging cases and practice management questions--a new way to learn while you earn Live NCCAOM PDAs!

Next Meetings: TBD

  • On-Line: TBD
  • In-person: Charlottesville, Virginia -- date TBD. Please contact us for more information and to register.

Led by Doctoral Clinic Supervisor Anthony Von der Muhll, L.Ac., DAOM, DNBAO, FAIPM

How Does it Work?

  • The instructor leads discussion and advice for up to 6 cases or practice management problems per 3-hour on-line meeting
  • Participants share knowledge and experience -- learn from, and network with other acupuncturists
  • The number of participants is capped to ensure high-quality, in-depth educational experience

4 Levels and Focuses of Discussion

Acupuncture Orthopedics

  • Open to all practicing acupuncturists, regardless of background or experience (students may apply by furnishing evidence of enrollment in an accredited Masters or Doctorate degree-granting program in acupuncture)
  • Limited to 25 participants/meeting
  • Up to 6 participants will be invited on a first-come-first serve basis to present and discuss their cases verbally
  • No written reports required, but please be prepared to present cases organized in SOAP format (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan), along with your priority questions

Acupuncture Orthopedic Specialist

  • For licensed/certified acupuncturists specializing in orthopedic, sports medicine, work-related injuries, and/or chronic pain conditions
  • Limited to 20 participants/meeting
  • To have your case reviewed, it must be submitted in SOAP format in advance, along with your case questions
  • The first 3 cases uploaded will be discussed--sign up early to get your case reviewed! 3 additional cases will be chosen at random.

Acupuncture Orthopedics Expert

  • Open only to acupuncturists who have completed at least three classes from the following categories through AOM Professional, or equivalent coursework:
  • Limited to 10 participants/meeting
  • Up to 3 cases (1 hour per case) will be chosen by the instructor based on their urgency, complexity, instructional value, and the clarity of the written report
  • Cases reports must be written in SOAP format and submitted in advance, along with your case questions and take-aways
  • If applying for Certification in Acupuncture Orthopedics, you will need to present one orthopedic case study that meets STRICTA standards in both written and verbal format during one Expert meetings

Documentation, Practice and Risk Management

  • Open to all practicing acupuncturists; focus on medical documentation, report-writing, practice and referral-building, professional ethics, and risk management in the orthopedic, sports and pain management practices
  • Up to 6 participants will be invited or chosen at random to present and discuss their cases or questions verbally
  • No written reports required, but please be prepared to present any cases in SOAP format (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan), along with your priority questions

21-27 hours (7-9 x 3-hour meetings*) required for Certification in Acupuncture Orthopedics

When COVID Shelter-in-Place orders were first issued in March, 2020, the DAOM program where I was serving as an Clinic Supervisor was faced with the problem of how to deliver quality educational and training of hands-on material via on-line meetings. We soon found a surprising benefit: by switching from passive observation of instructor demonstration to active discussion of students' cases from their own clinics, participants found they gained at least as much if not more from on-line meetings--so much so, that many asked the school to continue the case study and mentorship format, even after the clinic re-opened for in-person observation! This is the inspiration to add on-line Case Study and Clinical Mentorship meetings to the Certification program.

* One Practice and Risk Management meeting is required for those seeking Certification and who took the distance-learning versions of Medical Documentation: Essential Best Practices and/or Report-Writing for Managed Care)

Upcoming Meetings:

Our current schedule is ~ 1 meeting/month, with possible increase in frequency depending on demand, and availability of additional qualified faculty. Please contact us for more information and to let us know of your interest.