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Category Archives: AOM Class Offerings
Avoiding Lawsuits: Safety & Ethics for Acupuncture Clinics — Class Notes & E-book
Class Content | Notes |
How Interactive E-books work: Read this first | View Guide |
Avoiding Lawsuits I: Essential Principles and Practices | View Slideshow |
Avoiding Lawsuits II: Clarifying Gray Areas in Scope of Practice & Consent | View Slideshow |
Avoiding Lawsuits III Standards of Care, Safety & Documentation | View Slideshow |
Avoiding Lawsuits IV: Ethics & Laws in Marketing and Billing | View Slideshow |
Supplement: California's Scope of Practice -- Clarifying the "Gray Areas" | View Slideshow |
NCCAOM Code of Ethics | View Document |
Appendix: Instructions to Jurors Regarding Informed Consent | View Document |
Appendix: Sample Attorney and Expert Witness Interview of an Injured Patient | View Notes |
CNT Manual 7th Edition | View Document |
Exercise Therapy for Acupuncturists
for Self-care, Patient Prescription, and Co-management with Rehab Teams
An Integrative East-West Approach
With Instructor Anthony Von der Muhll, L.Ac., DAOM, DNBAO, FAIPM
Former Physical Therapy Aide, Athletic Training Assistant, and Certified Personal Trainer, American College of Sports Medicine
Sunday, May 5, 2025, 9:00-6:00
In-person only at the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences, 1600 Broadway, Oakland CA
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--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.
--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.
Questions? Please visit our FAQ page. Thank you for your purchase!
Self-Paced Distance-Learning
Featuring high-quality pre-recorded webinar videos
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--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.
--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.
Questions? Please visit our FAQ page. Thank you for your purchase!
"Is there anything I can do on my own to treat this?
"Should I do this exercise my fitness trainer showed me, even though it hurts?"
"I want to get more cardio and lose weight. Should I run, swim, or bike?"
"When can I go back to my gym workout/yoga class/marathon training?"
How often do we hear our patients ask questions like this? Want some better answers?
Easy-to-teach exercises can improve clinical outcomes by actively involving patients in self-care, and can complement AOM modalities. Drawing from qi gong, yoga, Pilates, and other techniques, we will discuss exercises for specific injuries to help patients to:
- Reduce stress, muscle tension, pain, anxiety and depression
- Accelerate healing and reduce chronicity of sprain/strain injuries
- Re-stabilize hypermobile joints, and restore normal joint tracking and biomechanics
- Slow and allow for reversal of joint degeneration that leads to osteoarthrosis
- Enhance the treatment of muscles, nerves, and other tissues and systems that contribute to chronic pain
- Maintain bone density, muscle strength and flexibility, coordination, and balance to reduce the risk of falls and injuries
- Support the patient in an active lifestyle and meeting their goals for health, fitness, work, sports and recreation
- Improve health of internal organs; the cardiovascular, lymphatic, endocrine & immune systems; mind, mood, & sleep; & overall quality & quantity of life.
Class Topics
- When to prescribe--or "un-prescribe" exercises: post-injury/surgery, chronic pain, and health maintenance
- How best to co-manage patients with physical therapists and surgical rehabilitation teams
- Which exercises can patients safely and effectively perform at home, for what body regions, systems, and injuries
- Analyzing common qi gong, yoga, Pilates, gym workouts, etc. for their risks and benefits, from an integrative East-West orthopedic and neurologic perspective
- Adapting exercises for specific conditions and patients
- How to integrate exercise therapy into the flow of a busy acupuncture clinic
- Scope-of-practice, coding, billing and malpractice considerations
And what's good for our patients is good for us--we'll review self-care exercises and ergonomics for acupuncturists!
"Very informative and useful course. Thank you!"
-- Lisa Zeppegno, L.Ac., Petaluma CA

General considerations in exercise therapy
- Review of L.Ac. scope-of-practice issues
- Risks and benefits: when to prescribe, un-prescribe, or refer out for co-management
- Co-managing with physical therapists: phases, benchmarks and goals of post-injury/surgery rehabilitation
- Exercise cautions and contraindications
- Differentiating exercise-induced injury vs. therapeutic delayed onset muscle soreness
- Prescription essentials: timing, sequence, repetitions, sets, duration, intensity, frequency
Roles of and indications for specific exercise techniques and styles
- Functional re-training: activities of daily living, work ergonomics, recreation and sports
- Stress reduction: qi gong and breathing exercises
- Flexibility: passive and active stretching, static and flow yoga styles
- Neurologic re-training and coordination
- Strengthening and stabilization exercises
- Joint loosening warm-ups, reciprocal inhibition, and abdominal bracing to improve safety and efficacy across all exercise styles
- Cardiovascular exercise for general health
- Assessing exercise prescription from the viewpoint of jing-jin and zang-fu imbalances
Exercise prescription for specific body regions, injuries and pain
- Spinal exercise prescription: upper body
- Cervical stabilization
- Thoracic mobilization
- Upper extremity exercise prescription
- Scapular stabilization and shoulder strengthening
- Elbow, forearm and wrist exercise therapy
- Spinal exercise prescription: lower body
- Core/lumbar stabilization
- Lower extremity exercise prescription
- Hip strengthening and mobilization
- Knee stabilization
- Calf, ankle and foot rehabilitation
- Putting it all together: posture, gait and ergonomics
Integrating exercise prescription into an acupuncture clinic
- Combining exercise with manual therapy and cupping in the same visit
- Tools, supplies, and space considerations
- Documentation, coding and billing for therapeutic exercise
- Stand-alone exercise classes: insurance, scope of practice and malpractice considerations
- Exercise knowledge and skill development for acupuncturists
Coaching patients on health maintenance through exercise
- Working with patient’s exercise readiness, compliance, tolerance and goals
- Home programs and telemedicine consults
- Group classes vs. individualized training
- Cardiovascular exercise options and prescription
- Recognizing limits and injuries; managing exercise-induced delayed-onset muscle soreness
View full certification program and register for in-person, live webinar and self-paced distance-learning classes.
To get the most out of this class, please wear workout clothes and shoes, and bring the following exercise tools, which you will be able to use later in your clinic. Exercise equipment will not be provided.
- One or more pairs of dumbbells in the 2-10 lb. range (a pair of 8-oz soup cans will do)
- Resistance tubing/bands of light-moderate gauge; also, squeeze balls, rings
- A wobble cushion/disc (e.g. “dynadisc”)
- 6” diameter rigid foam roller
- Yoga/exercise mat + straps or belts
Links are for informational purposes only and do not represent product endorsements. Anthony Von der Muhll does not have any financial relationship with exercise equipment makers or vendors.
Starting Your AOM Practice
With Instructor Anthony Von der Muhll, L.Ac., DAOM, DNBAO, FAIPM
Check back for next live class date, or contact us to be notified by email
Contact us to let us know of your interest in self-paced distance-learning PDAs and/or CEUs
Course Content
Many acupuncture practices struggle, not for lack of medical training, but for inadequate planning, development and management of a health-care enterprise. This class will help participants plan for and implement success!
Workshop Topics:
- Start-up essentials, options and strategies
- Further education, training and specialization
- Securing locations and rental/employment agreement terms that work for you and your patients
- Business planning essentials: financing, fee-setting, and appointment schedules
Who should take these classes:
- AOM students planning their future practice
- Recently-licensed acupuncturists
- Those transitioning to a new practice model or location
- Those re-entering the profession
- Anyone who wants support in starting and building a safe, sustainable and satisfying practice!
Participants receive:
- A “starter kit” of sample spreadsheets, clinic operating procedures, and marketing and educational materials
- On-going access to class notes and discussion forums
The topics in this class are continued in the afternoon 2:00-6:00 p.m., with Building Your AOM Practice:
- Key metrics to track for business development.
- Insurance billing basics, and whether to join–or quit–managed care networks
- Practice and risk management essentials
- Customer service: keys to success!
- No-cost, efficient marketing and referral-building strategies.
- The golden parachute: planning and selling your practice for maximum value
Take both classes for -10% off each!
Anthony Von der Muhll L.Ac., DNBAO, FAAPM specializes in sports injuries and orthopedic and pain conditions. He became Licensed as an Acupuncturist in 2003, and was the first graduate of the Five Branches University’s’ Integrative Sports Medicine program. He has served as a Clinical Instructor and Associate Professor at the Five Branches since 2005, and as a Doctoral Program Instructor in Integrative Acupuncture Orthopedics at the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences. He is also a Diplomate of the National Board of Acupuncture Orthopedics, a Fellow of the American Academy of Pain Management, and certified as a Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist (“dry needling”) through Myopain Seminars . He has over 20 years of clinical experience as a sports massage therapist, physical therapy aide, athletic training assistant, and licensed acupuncturist in multi-disciplinary clinics, including SpineMed Associates and the PRIME Pain Medicine Institute. He has also served as an Expert Witness for the California Acupuncture Board (CAB) and in malpractice litigation, and a practice manager and consultant to numerous acupuncturists. He is an approved by the CAB as a provider for Continuing Education (Provider #1225)
For more information:
Phone: 1-800-499-1438
Next live offering: TBA. You may also register for a distance-learning version of this class.
And we invite you to view our full program schedule and register for in-person classes and live webinars.
Shoulder, Arm, Hand
With Instructor Anthony Von der Muhll, L.Ac., DAOM, DNBAO, FAIPM
In-Person Classes & Live Webinars
Must be attended at the time/date offered for Live PDAs/CEUs
See below for detailed description of class contents
Basics of Shoulder
Live Webinar with Anthony Von der Muhll
Monday, July 28, 2025, 5:00-6:00 pm Pacific Time
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--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.
--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.
Questions? Please visit our FAQ page. Thank you for your purchase!
Shoulder, Arm, Hand: History, Examination, Assessment & Treatment
with Anthony Von der Muhll
Saturday-Sunday, August 16-17, 2025, 8:30-5:30
at the Virginia University of Integrative Medicine, 1980 Gallows Road, Vienna VA
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--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.
--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.
Questions? Please visit our FAQ page. Thank you for your purchase!
Saturday-Sunday, November 8-9, 2025, 9:00-6:00
at the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences, 1600 Broadway, Oakland CA
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--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.
--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.
Questions? Please visit our FAQ page. Thank you for your purchase!
Shoulder, Arm, Hand: Review & Practicum Lab
with Anthony Von der Muhll
Prerequisite: completion of our 16-hour Shoulder, Arm, Hand: History, Exam, Assessment & Treatment course (in-person, or distance-learning)
Monday, August 18, 2025, 8:30-5:30
at the Virginia University of Integrative Medicine, 1980 Gallows Road, Vienna VA
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--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.
--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.
Questions? Please visit our FAQ page. Thank you for your purchase!
Monday, November 10, 2024, 9:00-6:00
at the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences, 1600 Broadway, Oakland CA
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--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.
--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.
Questions? Please visit our FAQ page. Thank you for your purchase!
Contact Us > 1 month prior to class date to request CAB CEUs
Shoulder, Arm, Hand: Anatomy Lab for Acupuncturists
with Jamie Bender
Friday, November 7, 2025, 9:00-6:00
at the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences, 1600 Broadway, Oakland CA
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--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.
--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.
Questions? Please visit our FAQ page. Thank you for your purchase!
Self-Paced Distance Learning
1-year on-demand access
See below for detailed description of class contents
Shoulder Arm Hand: History, Exam, Assessment & Treatment
Self-Paced Distance-Learning Module
with Anthony Von der Muhll
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--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.
--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.
Questions? Please visit our FAQ page. Thank you for your purchase!
Contact Us to request CAB CEUs
Comments from Course Evaluations
"Anthony has an outstanding breadth of knowledge, skill, and experience to offer. I wish I weren't trying to absorb this on my own–The online version is great for pacing, and I watched each video twice, but it's not enough. I wish it were a semester class with classmates, study groups, time to practice, etc....overall, it is OUTSTANDING and has already changed my practice. Now, onto the neck module!"
-- Laura Paris, L.Ac., Monterey, California
The Shoulder Girdle
Clinical anatomy, kinesiology, & the jing-jin ("sinew meridians" or myofascial tracts)
- Glenohumeral, acromio- and sterno- clavicular joints
- Muscles, tendons and ligaments of the shoulder girdle
- Shoulder bursae
History-taking for the shoulder: key diagnostic questions
- "Red flag" symptoms of urgent/serious medical conditions warranting referral to physician care: fractures, dislocations and complete tears; neuropathies; tumors
- Differentiating symptoms of muscle, tendon, ligament, labral, capsular, and nerve injuries
- Neural hypersensitization and psycho-social factors
- Functional capacity questionnaires for reporting to managed care insurance
Physical exam of the shoulder: how findings can guide treatment with acupuncture modalities
- Observation, inspection and palpation
- Joint active range-of-motion and tracking exam: taking measurements and diagnostic significance
- Assessment of joint stability through end-feel testing
- Muscle length and manual strength testing and referred pain patterns charts for 18 key muscles of the shoulder girdle
- Special orthopedic tests
- Documentation of physical exam findings
- Measuring and reporting functional capacity baselines and treatment outcomes
- Clinical flow charts to facilitate efficiency and accuracy in examination
Diagnosis, pattern identification and treatment for shoulder girdle pain, injuries and disability
- Gleno-humeral joint
- Non-capsular patterns: AMBRI and SLAP (labral) tears
- Capsular patterns: osteoarthorosis, capsulitis, and "frozen shoulder"
- Acromio- and sterno-clavicular joint sprains/separations and hypermobility
- Rotator cuff tendonitis/tendonosus, impingement, and bursitis
- Bicipital tendinopathies
Arm, Wrist, and Hand
Clinical anatomy, kinesiology, and the jing-jin:
- Elbow joints: ulnar-humeral, radio-humeral and -capitellar
- Wrist joints: ulnar-carpal, radio-carpal, and distal radio-ulnar
- Muscles and tendons of the upper- and fore- arm and hand
History-taking for the arm, wrist, and hand: key diagnostic questions
- "Red flag" symptoms of urgent/serious medical conditions potentially warranting referral to physician care: fractures, neuropathies, complex regional pain syndrome
- Differentiating symptoms of muscle, tendon, ligament, joint, and nerve injuries
- Neural hypersensitization and psycho-social factors
- Functional capacity questionnaires for reporting to managed care insurance
Physical exam of the arm, wrist and hand
- Observation, inspection and palpation
- Active and passive range-of-motion examination of the elbow, wrist, and finger joints: measurements and diagnostic significance
- Assessment of joint stability through end-feel testing of the elbow, wrist and finger
- Peripheral nerve sensory and motor exams
- Manual and dynamometer strength testing, muscle length testing, and referred pain pattern charts for 20 key muscles of the arm, wrist and hand
- Special orthopedic, neurologic and vascular tests
- Documentation of physical exam findings
- Measuring and reporting functional capacity baselines and treatment outcomes
- Algorithmic flow charts to facilitate efficiency and accuracy in examination
Diagnosis, pattern identification and treatment for arm, wrist and hand pain, injuries and disability
Posterior & radial tracts: yangming and shaoyang
- Tennis elbow, extensor strains, tendinosus, radial tunnel compression neuritis and palsy
- Radial styloid stenosing tenosynovitis
- Radial collateral ligament sprains and hypermobility
Ulnar tract: taiyang and shaoyin
- Ulnar neuritis/neuropathy
- Ulnar groove compression
- Canal of Guyon compression
- Acute sprains and chronic laxity of the ulnar-carpal joint
- Acute tendonitis and chronic tendonosus
- Golfer’s elbow & “medial epicondylitis”
- Extensor carpi ulnaris
- Flexor carpi ulnaris
- Abductor digiti minimi
- Ulnar collateral ligament laxity & “Little league elbow”
Anterior tract: taiyin, shaoyin, jueyin
- Biceps, supinator and forearm flexor tendonitis and tendonosus
- Median neuritis/neuropathy
- Pronator teres syndrome
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
Intrinsic wrist conditions
- 1st CMC joint pain: sprains, DJD
- Triangular fibrocartilage complex tears
Intrinsic hand conditions
- MCP and inter-phalangeal joints
- Sprains and laxity of finger collateral ligaments
- Degenerative joint disease
- Finger extensor tendonitis
Ergonomics, postural correction and exercise therapy for shoulder, arm and hand conditions:
- Scapular stabilization
- Rotator cuff strengthening
- Forearm exercises
- Wrist stabilization
- Keyboard ergonomics
Build on your skills with the Review/Practicum Lab
View full certification program and register for in-person, live webinar and self-paced distance-learning classes.
Check back for next live class date, or contact us to be notified by email
Hip, Thigh and Knee — Review and Practicum Lab
With Instructor Anthony Von der Muhll, L.Ac., DAOM, DNBAO, FAIPM
Prior completion of the 16-hour Hip, Thigh, Knee: History, Exam, Assessment & Treatment module is required, either in-person or via distance-learning.
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--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.
--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.
Questions? Please visit our FAQ page. Thank you for your purchase!
Monday, October 6, 2025, 8:30-5:30, at VUIM, 1980 Gallows Road, Vienna VA
8 Live NCCAOM PDAs approved
- Labs focus on areas of technical difficulty, and provide an opportunity for presentation, demonstration treatment and discussion of challenging cases.
- Practice, apply, re-inforce and expand upon physical exam and treatment techniques taught in the associated Hip, Thigh, Knee didactic module.
- Note: Practicum/Review modules are open only to participants who have completed the prior associated didactic module: Hip, Thigh, Knee.
Hip, Thigh and Knee Physical Exam
- Hip AROM assessment
- Hip PROM/joint end-feel testing
- Manual strength testing of thigh and buttock muscles
- Gluteus minimus, medius and maximus
- Hip external rotators
- Tensor fascia lata
- Rectus femoris
- Sartorius
- Iliopsoas
- Medial and lateral quadriceps
- Medial and lateral hamstrings
- Hip adductors
- Muscle length tests
- Thomas test
- Knee AROM assessment
- Knee PROM/joint end-feel, and special orthopedic tests
- Flexion and extension passive overpressure
- Valgus, varus, anterior/posterior, rotation, and shear testing
- Patello-femoral examination and testing
- Trigger point needling, manual therapy and cupping for gluteals, hip rotators, iliotibial band, quadriceps, hamstrings, adductors
- Joint stabilization/mobilization needling ("prolo-acupuncture") for the knee
- MCL, LCL, ACL, PCL ligaments
- Coronary ligaments and meniscii
- Patello-femoral tendons/ligaments, bursa and joint
- Superior tibio-fibular joint
- Patello-femoral taping
- Exercise therapy for hip and knee pain
Case presentation/treatment demonstration and discussion
View full certification program and register for in-person, live webinar and self-paced distance-learning classes.
Medical Documentation: Essential Best Practices
for Better Care, Reimbursement, Referral-building, and Malpractice Defense
With Instructor Anthony Von der Muhll, L.Ac., DAOM, DNBAO, FAIPM
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--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.
--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.
Questions? Please visit our FAQ page. Thank you for your purchase!
Check back for next live class date, or contact us to be notified by email
Professional medical charting and reports are vital for:
- Supporting insurance reimbursement, surviving insurance audits and records requests
- Building referral relationships and improving coordination of care with other medical professionals
- Improving outcomes and learning from your patient cases
- Defense in cases of malpractice and complaints to regulatory agencies
Class Topics:
- Bring your charting up to the highest standards of professionalism: best practices in contents, organization, terminology for initial visit HPIs and follow-up SOAP notes
- Subjective
- Objective
- Assessment
- Plan
- Practical and efficient charting techniques: save time and effort while improving quality
- Paper vs. electronic health records systems: how to choose and make them work for your clinic
- Pros and cons of templates, checklists, and narratives: avoiding the appearance of "rote" treatment
- Custodianship and transfer of patient records: keeping it safe and legal
- Further learning: developing charting skills for your areas of specialization
Distance learning/self-study, E-book and live class notes feature sample initial visit (History of Present Illness) and progress (SOAP) reports.
Live class features instructor-lead peer review/feedback regarding student chart notes.
***Please note: For Certification in Acupuncture Orthopedics, either the live class (8 hours/CEUs/PDAs), or the distance-learning class (5 hours CEUs/PDAs) + one live 3-hour clinical case mentorship meeting focused on medical documentation (no CEUs/PDAs) is required.***
Billing managed care insurance? You'll also want to take Report-Writing Workshop for Managed Care: HMO, Personal Injury, and Workers Compensation. Take both classes for -10% off each.
Student Ratings and Comments
from evaluation from prior live class offering in 2016, as required by California Acupuncture Board
Respondents: 13 of 17 enrolled
Average rating: 99/100
- “Anthony as always is superbly professional, knowledgeable, and encouraging improvements in clinical practice. Thank you!” --Anonymous
- “All of your classes have been instrumental in my ability to improve patient care–but it could be a 2-day course to cover more. Thank you!” –Jennifer Root, L.Ac.
- “I always enjoy Anthony’s classes, very helpful info.” --Anonymous
View full certification program and register for in-person, live webinar and self-paced distance-learning classes.
Acupuncture Treatment of the Taiyang Jing-Jin (“Sinew Meridian”): the Posterior Tract
With Instructor Anthony Von der Muhll, L.Ac., DAOM, DNBAO, FAIPM
8 Distance-learning NCCAOM PDAs approved
Contact Us to request CAB CEUs
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First time user? Your account will be automatically be created after purchase. Please note:
--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.
--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.
Questions? Please visit our FAQ page. Thank you for your purchase!
The taiyang 经 筋 jing-jin ("sinew meridian") of Chinese medicine describes the myofascial tract that runs along the posterior body from head to toe. Understanding the taiyang jing-jin can guide clinicians from where pain is felt distally and proximally towards additional muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments that also may need treatment. Learn classical and modern examination and treatment of the taiyang jing-jin tissues, including:
Leg Taiyang Jing-Jin
- Plantar fascia
- Achilles tendon
- Gastroc-soleus complex
- Hamstrings
- Sacrotuberous ligament
- Gluteus maximus
- Thoracolumbar fascia
- Erector spinae
- Latissimus dorsi
- Trapezii
- Posterior cervicals and suboccipitals
Arm Taiyang Jing-Jin
- Levator scapula
- Rhomboids
- Infraspinatus
- Triceps brachii
- Extensor carpi ulnaris
- Abductor digiti minimi
Learn classical and modern methods of treating the jing-jin, including:
- Classical needling techniques, including “crack needling,” “short puncture,” “superficial puncture,” hegu puncture, and shu-point/periosteal puncture
- Myofascial trigger point and joint stabilization/mobilization ("prolo-acupuncture") needling
- Cupping, gua sha, and other manual therapies
Instructional methods include:
- Comparison of ancient source translationss with dissection studies and functional analyses of myofascial tissues: bony attachments and kinematic chains of muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia
- Review of postural vs. phasic muscles and balance between agonist/antagonist muscle groups
- Classical palpation techniques integrated with assessment of the movement, strength, and joint stabilization functions of the taiyang jing-jin
- Anatomical charts of myofascial referred pain patterns, including muscle attachment sites and functions, innervation, and trigger, motor and Chinese new/miscellaneous points for over 25 muscles and connective tissue structures that form the taiyang jing-jin
Knowing the jing-jin is a valuable complement to the cross-sectional approach of contemporary orthopedics, and opens up to avenues towards holistic rehabilitation from injuries, pain and disability, including:
- Decreased muscle-tendon pain and tension, and improved strength and function
- Decreased joint pain and enhanced stability and biomechanics
- Increased muscle-tendon flexibility and joint range-of-motion
Acupuncture Treatment of the Jing-Jin ("Sinew Meridians"): Introduction is strongly recommended as a pre-requisite.
See the other classes in this 4-part series: Shaoyang, Yangming and 3 Yin Jing-Jin. Take more than 1 for 10% off each!
Student Comments and Ratings
From evaluations as required by NCCAOM & California Acupuncture Board.
Respondents: 40 of 45 enrolled
- "Thank you for the great class! From clinical pearls to an important review of cautions and contraindications, these courses are very useful, even after practicing in this specialty for over 7 years! The material presents a truly integrative approach to orthopedics and sports medicine. In the past, I've found courses to apply either a TCM or a western orthopedics lens, but Dr. Von der Muhll does a wonderful job of blending the concepts in a way that is practical for patient care, logical for the practitioner, and provides language to discuss findings and treatments with our TCM and western colleagues." --Leslie Yedor, L.Ac.
- “Very articulate and precise…great 1-on-1 attention.“ –Jessica Giese-Garderner, L.Ac.
- “Amazing–Thank you!“ –Jessica Luehrs, L.Ac.
- “This class was a really great review as well as including new material” —Daniele Uzes, L.Ac.
- “Great knowledge of anatomy, very in-depth. Thank you for adding to the written notes on-line…I really appreciated Anthony’s in-depth clinical experience and his willingness to share..I’m taking more classes!!!” –Monica Bowditch, L.Ac.
- “Tons of great info, many applicable tools, with some practice indeed…great for sports acu/pain/ortho.” —Joe Sarti, L.Ac.
- “I especially enjoyed reviewing anatomy whilst doing practical exercises to improve my skills…very good explanations…great that notes are digital and linked.” –Michael E. Brown, Jr., L.Ac.
- “I like the charts and photos, this is truly useful!” —Anonymous, L.Ac.
- "Excellent!" --Anonymous
- "I learned a lot. Anthony is very knowledgeable." --Anonymous
- “I wish I had taken this when I got my license in 2006.” —Anonymous, L.Ac.
Average Ratings. Overall: 5/5
The class met its goals/objectives and covered subject materials as stated: 5/5
The class material will be useful in my clinical practice: 5/5
The instructor made effective use of learning aids: slideshows, notes, videos: 5/5
The class provided enough depth, breadth and detail of information: 5/5
The instructor provided adequate instruction in the skills and subjects addressed in the class: 5/5
The written notes were clear, adequate and helpful: 5/5
The number of CEUs/PDAs was appropriate for the time and work required: 5/5
Source Texts Referenced in this Class
- Acupuncture: A Comprehensive Text. Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. O’Connor and Bensky, trans. and ed. (1981)
- Kendall, Donald E. The Dao of Chinese Medicine: Understanding an Ancient Health Art. (2002)
- Legge, David. Jing Jin: Acupuncture Treatment of the Muscular System Using the Meridian Sinews. (2010)
- Meyers, Thomas W. Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Movement Therapists. (2009)
- Simmons, Travell, Simmons and Cummings. Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual, vols. 1-2. (any edition)
Suggested Class Preparation
Acupuncture Treatment of the Jing-Jin ("Sinew Meridians"): Introduction is strongly recommended as a pre-requisite.
Prior review of clinical musculoskeletal anatomy and kinesiology of the posterior body structures listed above (including joints and their planes of motion, ligaments, tendons, muscle attachments and functions, innervation) is recommended to make the most of this learning opportunity. Students are advised to have ready access to clinical anatomy references texts, apps or on-line resources during live webinars and in-person classes.
See the other classes in this 4-part series: Shaoyang, Yangming and 3 Yin Jing-Jin. Take more than 1 for 10% off each!
View full certification program and register for in-person, live webinar and self-paced distance-learning classes.
Complex and Chronic Pain
With Instructor Anthony Von der Muhll, L.Ac., DAOM, DNBAO, FAIPM
Check back for next live class date, or contact us to be notified by email
Contact us to let us know of your interest in self-paced distance-learning PDAs and/or CEUs
Conditions addressed include:
- Complex regional pain syndrome: reflex sympathetic dystrophy, causalgia, and Sudeck’s atrophy.
- Myofascial pain syndrome.
- Fibromyalgia syndrome.
- Primary headaches (migraine, tension-type).
- Neural hyper-sensitization and sympathetically-maintained pain.
- Phantom limb pain.
- Post-herpectic neuralgia.
- Chronic pain syndrome, including co-morbid sleep and mood disorders.
Patho-physiology and -Psychology
- Integrating contemporary understandings of complex and chronic pain with AOM jing-jin, jing-luo, zang-fu, wu xing and herbal patterns and pathomechanisms.
- Mind-body relationships in complex and chronic pain: moving from mal-adaptation to health.
- How understanding complex pain mechanisms can help with treating pain generally.
Assessment and Diagnosis
- Taking histories: key questions and techniques.
- Physical exam: integrating orthopedic, neurologic, vascular, rheumatologic, psychologic with TCM examination.
- Diagnosis in standard medical (ICD-10) and AOM-specific jing-jin, jing-luo, zang-fu, wu xing and herbal pattern identification terms
- Neuro-anatomical acupuncture
- Myofascial trigger point needling
- Disruptive/proliferative-acupuncture
- Scalp and ear acupuncture
- Electroacupuncture and non-insertion electro-therapy
- Orthopedic suction cupping
- Myofascial gua sha
- Patient education
- Herbs, nutritional supplements, and dietetics for chronic neuropathic pain
- Exercise therapies, including mirror box therapy, and more
Student Ratings and Comments
from evaluations as required by California Acupuncture Board
Respondents: 10 of 10 enrolled
Average rating: 97/100
- “I found this class very interesting and helpful. So many of my patients are in chronic pain, and I have been fumbling to know how to communicate with them in a productive way.” – Dev’a Laggner, L.Ac.
- “Guest speakers are great!…This could definitely be a 2-day class.” – Jennifer Root, L.Ac.
- “Maybe more info on how to manage our own and patients’ expectation of pain reduction/reversal.” – Rose Mulhearn, L.Ac.
- “Nice to break up the didactic with cranial nerve exam.” - Anonymous, L.Ac.
- “Thank you!” –Anonymous, L.Ac.
- “I’d love to see this class going in-depth for treatment protocols including acupuncture, herbs, diet for these conditions. More advanced protocols and evaluation of patterns from a more advanced perspective than the Masters’... Nice having local physicians come speak in the class–feeling like doctors are not so scary.” - Anonymous, L.Ac.
Next live offering: TBA. You may also register for a distance-learning version of this class.
And we invite you to view our full program schedule and register for in-person classes and live webinars.
Clinical Applications of AOM Research
With Instructor Anthony Von der Muhll, L.Ac., DAOM, DNBAO, FAIPM
Check back for next live class date, or contact us to be notified by email
Contact us to let us know of your interest in self-paced distance-learning PDAs and/or CEUs
Enhance your familiarity with AOM research, and your ability to:
- Obtain improved outcomes with a wider variety of cases, by applying research regarding mechanisms of AOM modalities, techniques and treatment variables;
- Educate patients, health-care practitioners, and the general public regarding AOM therapeutic mechanisms;
- Participate in professional discussions and studies with other medical providers and researchers;
Assessing Research Quality and Relevance
Improve efficiency and accuracy in evaluating research for its quality and relevance, including:
- Independence from bias and financial interests
- Blinding of subjects and evaluators
- P-values, confidence intervals, statistical power and sample size, effect size, number-needed-to-treat, and more
- Patient-practitioner relationships and the “Therapeutic Alliance”
- Patient beliefs and expectations, placebo and nocebo genomics, and the “Placebo Paradox”
Review studies regarding therapeutic mechanisms of AOM modalities
including explanatory studies of acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, myofascial trigger point needling, cupping and gua sha:
- The inflammatory cascade, and provocation of anti-inflammatory responses
- Diffuse noxious inhibitory controls and closing the spinal gate
- Homeostatic processes of the peripheral and central nervous and vascular systems
- Myofascial tissue stimulation, including trigger point reduction, tension homeostasis, and disruptive and proliferative effects
- Bio-psycho-social variables in patient responses to acupuncture
- Effects of concurrent use of anti-inflammatory medications and opiates/opioids
¹with California Acupuncture Board