Needling the Joints of the Spine and Extremities

Hands-on Workshop Integrating Classical and Modern Acupuncture Orthopedics

with Doctoral Instructor Anthony Von der Muhll, L.Ac., DAOM, DNBAO, FAIPM

Saturday, October 26, 9:00 am-6:00 pm
at Virginia University of Integrative Medicine, 1980 Gallows Road, Vienna, Virginia

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--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.

--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.

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Joint dysfunctions and ligament laxity are common but sometimes hidden causes of chronic pain and disability. Learn to integrate contemporary orthopedic physical exam with classically-based acupuncture (including shu-point, "short," "triple," "quintuple," joint and bone-pecking needling) to address root causes of musculoskeletal pain and disability. This hands-on class provides essential knowledge and practical skills to treat a wide range of orthopedic conditions with acupuncture, including:

  • Yin and Yang of joint anatomy, kinesiology, and the adverse effects of joint injuries on muscles, tendons, and the nervous system
  • History-taking and physical exam techniques to identify joint mobility/stability dysfunctions, including:
    • Specialized inspection and palpation techniques for joints and ligaments
    • Joint active and passive range-of-motion and end-feel examinations
  • Mechanisms and therapeutic effects of orthopedic acupuncture for joints
  • Hands-on practice of needling safety and techniques for hyPERmobile and hyPOmobile joints, including;

    • Shoulder, arm and hand: acromio- and sterno- clavicular, glenhumeral, ulnar- and radio- carpal; radio-ulnar; thumb CMC, MCP joints
    • Lower leg: knee ACL, MCL, LCL, meniscii, superior tib-fib; ankle anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular joints
    • Spine: cervical and lumbar facets; supraspinous, interspinous, iliolumbar, sacroiliac, and sacrotuberous ligaments
  • Hands-on practice post-treatment joint re-assessment for immediate assessment of outcomes

Head, Neck, Thorax — Anatomy Lab for Acupuncturists

Enhance your clinical skills through palpation, inspection and movement

With Instructor Jamie Bender L.Ac., DAOM

Friday July 11, 2025, 9:00-6:00, at ACCHS, 1600 Broadway, Oakland CA

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--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.

--Ebooks are included with class purchase--please do not purchase both. When purchased separately, Ebooks are for informational purposes only--no PDAs/CEUs.

Questions? Please visit our FAQ page. Thank you for your purchase!

Precise knowledge of clinical anatomy and kinesiology, and orthopedic/myofascial palpation and inspection, and movement analysis skills, are all essential foundations for diagnosis, and for determining where--and where not--to needle.

This unique class prepares students to get the most from the Head, Neck, Thorax module & Review/Practicum Lab

Clinical anatomy and the jing-jin ("sinew meridians" or myofascial tracts)

  • We will improve our abilities to accurately locate key bony landmarks, muscles, tendons, joints, neural and vascular tissues, through palpation on ourselves and each other, and through review of clinical anatomy.
  • Through palpation, observation and movement exercises, we will explore functions of key muscles and their jing-jin associations, as well as functional vs. dysfunctional movement patterns.
  • We will review safety considerations, including needling angle and depth, to avoid injuring the many critical structures in this body region.

Enhanced orthopedic palpation and inspection skills

  • We will enhance our abilities to feel different tissue types and layers: skin, fascia, muscle, nerve, blood vessel, and bone, with both our hands and needle-tip sensation.
  • We will practice inspection and palpation for tissue abnormalities including myofascial trigger points, tendinopathies and joint disorders.

Review of anatomical structure and kinesiologic function

  • Bony structures, including palpable landmarks and which muscles attach to them:

    • External occipital protuberance
    • Mastoid process
    • Zygomatic arch
    • Temporomandibular joint
    • Spinous and transverse processes of C 2 to T 1
    • Facet joints of C 2-C 3 to C 6-C 7
  • Muscles, including location, attachments, and functions
    • Pterygoids
    • Digastric
    • Masseter
    • Temporalis
    • Suboccipitals
    • Paraspinals: erector spinae group, multifidi, splenius and semispinalis groups
    • Upper, middle and lower trapezius
    • Levator scapula
    • Sterno-cleido-mastoid: sternal and clavicular heads
    • Scalenes: anterior, middle, posterior
    • Rhomboids
    • External intercostals
  • Vascular structures

    • Arteries: carotid, subclavian, vertebrobasilar, temporal
    • Veins: internal and external jugular
  • Spinal and neurological structures and functions

    • Spinal neuroforamen
    • Intervertebral discs: nucleus pulposus, annulus fibrosus
    • Central canal, neural arch of laminae and pedicles
    • Ligamentum flavum and posterior longitudinal ligament
    • Spinal cord: dura and arachnoid mater, upper vs. lower motor neurons
    • Lesser and greater occipital nerves
    • Nerve roots: C 1-T 12
    • Brachial plexus
    • Myotomes
    • Dermatomes
  • Cervico-thoracic anatomical kinesiology
    • Planes of motion