Review & Practicum Labs
Guided practice of physical exam and treatment, and demonstration treatment in a grand rounds setting. Apply, reinforce, and expand upon challenging topics areas from the Spine & Extremities modules:
- Orthopedic exam techniques and functional capacity evaluation:
- Joint range-of-motion: active, passive, and end-feel testing
- Muscle strength and length testing
- Orthopedic and neurologic special tests
- Treatment of specific tissues, injuries and conditions, including:
- Myofascial trigger point acupuncture
- Joint stabilization and mobilization ("prolo-") acupuncture
- Electroacupuncture
- Neural prolo-acupuncture
- 7-star, lancet, and 3-edged needling
- Distant acupuncture
- Myofascial gua sha
- Tui na and other manual therapies
- Advanced cupping methods for orthopedic conditions
- Exercise therapy, postural and ergonomics re-training
- Taping techniques
Actual curriculum varies by body region, and by student requests for assistance with areas of particular technical difficulty.
For Certification in Acupuncture Orthopedics, each Lab must be taken once following completion of the associated 16-hour Spine & Extremities module when taken as an in-person class, twiorce if the didactic module was taken as a webinar or distance-learning class.
Prior completion of the associated 16-hour History, Exam Assessment & Treatment lecture/demonstration module is required for enrollment in the Review & Practicum Labs.