Complex and Chronic Pain

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Conditions addressed include:

  • Complex regional pain syndrome: reflex sympathetic dystrophy, causalgia, and Sudeck’s atrophy.
  • Myofascial pain syndrome.
  • Fibromyalgia syndrome.
  • Primary headaches (migraine, tension-type).
  • Neural hyper-sensitization and sympathetically-maintained pain.
  • Phantom limb pain.
  • Post-herpectic neuralgia.
  • Chronic pain syndrome, including co-morbid sleep and mood disorders.

Patho-physiology and -Psychology

  • Integrating contemporary understandings of complex and chronic pain with AOM jing-jin, jing-luo, zang-fu, wu xing and herbal patterns and pathomechanisms.
  • Mind-body relationships in complex and chronic pain: moving from mal-adaptation to health.
  • How understanding complex pain mechanisms can help with treating pain generally.

Assessment and Diagnosis

  • Taking histories: key questions and techniques.
  • Physical exam: integrating orthopedic, neurologic, vascular, rheumatologic, psychologic with TCM examination.
  • Diagnosis in standard medical (ICD-10) and AOM-specific jing-jin, jing-luo, zang-fu, wu xing and herbal pattern identification terms


Student Ratings and Comments

from evaluations as required by California Acupuncture Board

Respondents: 10 of 10 enrolled

Average rating:  97/100

  • “I found this class very interesting and helpful. So many of my patients are in chronic pain, and I have been fumbling to know how to communicate with them in a productive way.” – Dev’a Laggner, L.Ac.
  • “Guest speakers are great!…This could definitely be a 2-day class.” – Jennifer Root, L.Ac.
  • “Maybe more info on how to manage our own and patients’ expectation of pain reduction/reversal.” – Rose Mulhearn, L.Ac.
  • “Nice to break up the didactic with cranial nerve exam.” - Anonymous, L.Ac.
  • “Thank you!”  –Anonymous, L.Ac.
  • “I’d love to see this class going in-depth for treatment protocols including acupuncture, herbs, diet for these conditions. More advanced protocols and evaluation of patterns from a more advanced perspective than the Masters’... Nice having local physicians come speak in the class–feeling like doctors are not so scary.” - Anonymous, L.Ac.

Next live offering: TBA. You may also register for a distance-learning version of this class.

And we invite you to view our full program schedule and register for in-person classes and live webinars.