Joint Stabilization/Mobilization Acupuncture
involves needling of ligaments, joint capsules and periostial attachments to break up pathologic scar tissue and adhesions (phlegm and blood stasis knotted together), trigger reflexes that firm up loose and degenerated connective tissue, and stimulate qi and blood flow to promote tissue growth and repair.
More than just needling “ahshi” and tender points, joint acupuncture is an advanced technique that depends upon:
- Careful orthopedic physical exam of tendons, ligaments, and joint stability.
- Manual reduction of any subluxations.
- Precise targeting and stimulation of tissue lesions with acupuncture needle techniques.
- Re-examination to verify treatment results
The effects of joint acupuncture can include:
- Re-stabilization of joints that have become hyper-mobile from acute trauma or repetitive strains.
- Improved strength and function of trans-articular muscles.
- Strengthening of tendon and ligament attachments to underlying bones.
- Restoration of functional integrity of joint capsules.
- Decreased joint swelling and pain from biomechanical causes.
- Decreased compression and irritation of adjacent nerves.
Prolo-acupuncture is taught throughout the Acupuncture Orthopedics Certification Program
Joint needling can be called the “missing link” in acupuncture therapy, because it addresses deeper tissues and different structures beyond the reach of many traditional acupuncture and myofascial trigger point needling techniques. By going right to injured tendons and ligaments, it can functionally “re-link” muscle to bone and bone to bone.
Joint needling can play an important role in rehabilitation of acute and chronic injuries and pain, particularly where recurrent muscle strains and tendinitis are secondary to underlying joint dysfunction and hypermobility.