Head, Neck, Thorax — Review and Practicum Lab

With Instructor Anthony Von der Muhll, L.Ac., DAOM, DNBAO, FAIPM

Prior completion of the 16-hour Head, Neck Thorax: History, Exam, Assessment & Treatment module is required, either in-person or via our self-paced distance-learning course.

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--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.

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Monday, April 14, 8:30-5:30, at VUIM, 1980 Gallows Road, Vienna VA
8 LIve NCCAOM PDAs approved

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--Webinars require continuous attendance on the date(s) offered to receive PDAs/CEUs. If you cannot attend, please consider a self-paced distance-learning version instead, if available, or another class that you will be able to attend.

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Monday, January 12, 9:00-6:00, at ACCHS, 1600 Broadway, Oakland CA
8 Live NCCAOM PDAs approved

Contact Us > 1 month prior to class date to request CAB CEUs

  • Apply, practice, re-inforce, expand upon physical exam and treatment techniques taught in the associated didactic module.
  • Labs focus on areas of particular difficulty, and include presentation, demonstration treatment and discussion of challenging cases.
  • Note: Practicum/Review Labs are open only to participants who have completed the prior associated didactic module: Head, Neck, Thorax.

Head and Central Nervous System Exam

  • Cranial nerve exam
  • Central nervous system exam

Cervico-thoracic Spine Exam

  • Upper extremity reflexes
  • Upper extremity motor exam
  • Cervical and thoracic spine active range-of-motion assessment
  • Ribcage excursion assessment

Cervico-thoracic Spine Treatment

  • Tui na joint mobilization and prolo-acupuncture for cervical subluxations and facet joint arthropathy
  • Trigger needling, gua sha, and manual therapies for trapezius, levator scapula, scalenes, sternocleidomastoid, multifidi, and intercostal muscles

Case presentation/treatment demonstration and discussion