Science of Pain and Acupuncture — Classes and E-books

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Contemporary scientific models of the mechanisms of pain, and how acupuncture treats it, can open up new understandings avenues for therapy. Knowing the language, paradigms and findings of clinically-applicable research facilitates communication with Western patients that can enhance trust and outcomes, and with medical providers that can lead to increased referrals.

Live class format: weekend lecture modules

Soon to be available as distance-learning/self-study courses

Required for Certification in Integrative Acupuncture Orthopedics:

  • Complex and Chronic Pain Conditions I: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), aka Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and Causalgia
    • Neural sensitization: linking mind-body pain
    • Etiology, pathology, and natural history of CRPS
    • Recognition and diagnosis of CRPS
    • Managing and treating CRPS
  • Complex and Chronic Pain Conditions II: Primary Headaches, Fibryomylagia, Myofascial, and Post-Traumatic Pain Syndromes
    • History-taking, physical exam, and differentiation of syndromes
    • Treatment with AOM modalities
    • Sleep, dietary, lifestyle and exercise interventions
    • Working with mal- and non-adaptive pain psychology and behaviors
  • Clinical Applications of AOM Research
    • Assessing research quality, validity and relevance
    • Scientific models of acupuncture mechanisms
    • Differentiating evidence-based from unsupported variables in acupuncture techniques
    • "Placebo effects" and the therapeutic alliance
    • Case reporting guidelines: how to take SOAP notes that are publication-ready