Stabilizing and Mobilizing Joints With Prolo-Acupuncture

With Instructor Anthony Von der Muhll, L.Ac., DAOM, DNBAO, FAIPM

Next offering: TBA. Please let us know of your interest in a distance-learning class.

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Ligaments, or 韧带 rèndài

join bones to bones, and may be considered part of the 经 筋 jīngjīn, or myofascial/sinew meridians. Yet assessing and treating ligament injuries is literally a “missing link” in much acupuncture training regarding musculoskeletal pain and disability. Simple and easily-learned techniques for needling ligaments can stimulate self-repair and improve outcomes by helping to:

  • Accelerate healing and reduce chronicity from acute sprains/strains;
  • Re-stabilize hypermobile joints, and restore normal joint tracking and biomechanics;
  • Slow and allow for reversal of joint degeneration that leads to osteoarthrosis;
  • Enhance the treatment of muscles, nerves, and other tissues and systems that contribute to chronic pain.

Ligaments and Joints Covered:

Shoulder, Arm and Hand

  • Acromio-clavicular joint: sprains, separations, chronic hypermobility
  • Gleno-humeral joint: sprains, AMBRI, TUBS and SLAP lesions
  • Transverse humeral ligament: bicipital tendon subluxations
  • Elbow collateral ligaments: sprains, subluxations
  • Wrist ulnar- and radio-carpal ligaments and the triangular fibrocartilage complex: sprains, tears, chronic hypermobility

Hip, Knee, Ankle and Foot

  • Knee patellar, collateral and cruciate ligaments: sprains, chronic hypermobility
  • Knee menisci and the tibio-meniscal ligament: sprains, degeneration
  • The superior and inferior tibio-fibular joints: sprains, chronic hypermobility
  • Lateral ankle/foot: ATF, CF, PTF and CC ligaments: sprains, chronic hypermobility
  • Medial ankle: hyper-pronation, deltoid and spring ligaments: chronic hypermobility

The Spine

  • Cervical and lumbar facet joints: sprains, dysfunction, chronic hyper- and hypo-mobility
  • Posterior sacro-iliac, ilio-lumbar and sacro-tuberous ligaments: dysfunctions, degeneration
  • Supraspinous ligament: whiplash, sprains

Anatomy and Patho-anatomy

  • Functional/clinical anatomy, patho-anatomy of the main and commonly-injured joints of the body, in AOM and standard contemporary medical terms
  • Common etiologies and prognoses for common injuries and pain of the major joints of the body, in AOM and standard contemporary medical terms


  • Performing a physical exam for common injuries and pain of the major joints of the body, including observation, inspection, palpation and special orthopedic tests for joint range-of-motion, tracking and end-feel/stability
  • Red flags for serious/urgent joint injuries and pain that warrant referral to physician care


Treatment for common joint injuries with acupuncture, including ligamentous prolo-acupuncture (“dry”) needling, electro-acupuncture, and 7-star needling.

Next live offering: TBA. You may also register for a distance-learning version of this class.

And we invite you to view our full program schedule and register for in-person classes and live webinars.