Acupuncture Orthopedics Essentials I: Fundamentals

8 Live PDAs AOM-AC & CEUs Category 1 pending Neck and shoulder injuries and pain serve as a clinical example to demonstrate theory, principles, modalities and techniques of acupuncture orthopedics.

Acupuncture Treatment of the Jing-Jin (“Sinew Meridians”): Introduction – Free Webinar- 1 PD A approved; 1 CEU pending

1 Live PDA AOM-AC approved; CEU Category 1 pending The classical 经 筋 jing-jin ("sinew meridians") of Chinese medicine describe tracts of myofascial tissues that roughly follow the jing-luo ("primary meridians"). This introductory class prepares students to get the most out of the 4-part Jing-Jin series by reviewing the general structure and functions of the […]

Acupuncture Treatment of the Jing-Jin (“Sinew Meridians”): Introduction – Free Webinar – 1 Live PDA approved; 1 CEU pending

1 Live PDA AOM-AC approved; CEU Category 1 pending The classical 经 筋 jing-jin ("sinew meridians") of Chinese medicine describe tracts of myofascial tissues that roughly follow the jing-luo ("primary meridians"). This introductory class prepares students to get the most out of the 4-part Jing-Jin series by reviewing the general structure and functions of the […]

Acupuncture Treatment of the Taiyang “Sinew Meridian”: the Posterior Tract – 8 PDAs approved CEUs pending

7 Live PDAs AOM-AC approved; CEUs Category 1 pending The taiyang 经 筋 jing-jin ("sinew meridian") of Chinese medicine describes the myofascial tract that runs along the posterior body from head to toe. Understanding the taiyang jing-jin can guide clinicians from where pain is felt distally and proximally towards additional muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments […]

Acupuncture Treatment of the Jing-Jin (“Sinew Meridians”): Introduction – Free Webinar- 1 PD A approved; 1 CEU pending

1 Live NCCAOM PDA approved The classical 经 筋 jing-jin ("sinew meridians") of Chinese medicine describe tracts of myofascial tissues that roughly follow the jing-luo ("primary meridians"). This introductory class prepares students to get the most out of the 4-part Jing-Jin series by reviewing the general structure and functions of the jing-jin as well as […]

Acupuncture Treatment of the Jing-Jin (“Sinew Meridians”): Introduction – Free Webinar- 1 PD A approved; 1 CEU pending

1 Live NCCAOM PDA approved The classical 经 筋 jing-jin ("sinew meridians") of Chinese medicine describe tracts of myofascial tissues that roughly follow the jing-luo ("primary meridians"). This introductory class prepares students to get the most out of the 4-part Jing-Jin series by reviewing the general structure and functions of the jing-jin as well as […]

Acupuncture Treatment of the Taiyang “Sinew Meridian”: the Posterior Tract – 8 PDAs approved CEUs pending

ACCHS 1600 Broadway, Oakland, CA, United States

8 Live NCCAOM PDAs & CA CEUs pending The taiyang 经 筋 jing-jin ("sinew meridian") of Chinese medicine describes the myofascial tract that runs along the posterior body from head to toe. Understanding the taiyang jing-jin can guide clinicians from where pain is felt distally and proximally towards additional muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments that […]